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A member registered Jan 22, 2021

Creator of

Recent community posts

1. How does the world feel?

For the most part, it feels fine. The fluid nature of the world sometimes makes it confusing whether or not the player can go up a slope. Maybe making the path of travel more clear could help with navigation.

2. How does player movement and camera movement feel?

Player movement feels fine. A zoom function on the camera could help with some of the awkward automatic changes when going up and down slopes.

3. General things you like?

The big black enemy already has a menacing feel to it, and the particle effects around it are pretty cool.

4. General things you don't like?

There isn't a clear direction for the character to go. I can see all the puzzles, but I'm not sure where the enemy is coming from in the beginning, or where the lake is. Maybe a minimap could help with this?

5. What do you wish the game did?

I wish the game would guide the player along a certain path. This path doesn't have to be linear, but at least in a general direction.

6. General reaction/comments?

I'm curious to see the puzzles, and how the monster will move while the player is trying to solve the puzzles. I'm also curious if lighting could play an element in guiding the player.


I think the pacing is fine for this game, but it would really depend on the difficulty of the modules you add in future versions.


I think adding in obstacles, or a specific order that modules need to be completed in could help with this, and introduce a new strategic aspect. If some modules (but not all) require other modules to be completed first, then the strategy becomes determining the most efficient way to move around the map with the given obstacles and module requirements.


The current module is fine, if a little difficult at the higher speeds.


Some of his upgrades could make certain modules easier (slowing down the current module, for example) or allow Ernie to skip certain modules altogether.


I didn't find any.

General Improvements:

The high inertia in the movement gives the feeling of a lack of control. This could be intentional, but I think for a game that isn't about precise movement between platforms, the movement could be a little tighter. It feels like the ground is very slippery underneath Ernie. Alternatively, there could be an upgrade that improves deceleration.

Does the character feel sluggish? Is it fine for the character to feel slow if upgrades will eventually make the character feel better?

-As it stands right now, the character does feel slow, though the view of the game makes it difficult to understand exactly how fast the character is moving. I think some animation could compensate for this, but I would be careful about making it so slow that it becomes frustrating.

Can you see the game becoming too difficult? If so how do you think we should balance it?

-I don’t think difficulty should be an issue, unless there are too many enemies to keep track of

Are there too many enemies? How many unique enemies do you think there should be?

-I don’t think there are currently too many; maybe six or seven different types?

What upgrades to the turrets do you want to see?

-Maybe area of effect attacks?

Is the firing speed good for the amount of enemies?

-I think so.

How many unique turrets do you think there should be?

-Four or five.

How many turrets per X path squares of path should there be?

-1 for every 9 squares (in a square) or fewer.

Are the turrets’ sliders easy to use?

-Sure, but they’re not going to be in the final game, from my understanding.

Is the pathing good for the Enemies?

-It doesn’t seem very random.

What kind of improvements should the enemies have?

-Speed/heath/armor/immunity to different types of attacks.

When shooting with the main cat do you see any improvements? If so, what are they?

-I think an ammunition system could be interesting.

Is the movement of the cat coherent?

-The animation of it is a little strange.

How are the cats movement?

-The movement is fine.